A Will takes effect after its writer (the “Testator”) dies and after the Will is filed in court and accepted by the court. At that time, the probate process begins. Probate is the process of paying your debts and distributing your assets...
Wills vs. Trusts -- A Simple Chart Comparison
Some people have Wills. Others have Trusts. Trusts contain a Will. What’s the difference? Both are estate planning tools that direct the distribution of your estate upon your death. As explained in Investopedia: “A...
What is Pre-Planning and What is a Pre-Planning Questionnaire?
Obviously, the term “pre-planning” can mean different things in different contexts. One may “pre-plan” a vacation, or one may buy a home in a “pre-planned” community. But on Family And Heirs, the term refers, as it very often does, to giv...
LocateMyWill.com is now FamilyAndHeirs.com
LocateMyWill.com has changed its name and is now FamilyAndHeirs.com.As we grew and evolved, we realized that our first web name, LocateMyWill.com, defined us too narrowly, and no longer reflected the scope of our service. We’re now so much more...
Watch our video: "Robert has not prepared. Peter has."
In this video, we contrast Robert and Peter. Robert, who is in his 50's and feels fine, believes he has a lot more time before he needs to focus on preplanning for his death. He's probably right. Statistically, he'll live to a ripe...
Watch our Video: "Robert needs to do his pre-planning."
This is the story of a mythical Robert, a good, solid family man in his 50's. He's fit and healthy, so he doesn't think there's much need to fill out a Pre-Planning Questionnaire and gather his important documents, in order that his instruction...